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The frog jumping contest held at Toledo High School as part of the Cheese Days celebration this weekend. It was a ton of froggy fun. My granddaughter and I decided we’ll be finding our own frog before next year’s competition. (Fresh frogs jump better than the rented, we determined.)

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  1. What a hoot! Field full of kids and terrified frogs – what could be better?! The action shots of frogs mid jump are spectacular. Thanks for sending the link. Fun way to start my morning!

  2. You got some really great pictures here – good job! I especially love the series of the little wavy haired boy kneeling over his frog – too cute.

  3. OMG, too cute! It reminds me of… was it the second season? … of Ally McBeal, when The Biscuit’s frog accidentally went down the office toilet while preparing for a race… and then came back again, and had to be put on a respirator… Oy!

  4. I lilaertly jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!

  5. Arcadius, où est le problème avec ce point ? Vous le vouliez avant la parenthèse fermante ? En bonne logique, toute phrase devrait se terminer par un point. Quand des phrases se terminent par une parenthèse ou un guillemet fermants, on peut considérer qu’elles ne le sont pas vraiment (terminées). Il y a toute une littérature là-dessus.

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