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Category Archives: White-crowned Sparrow

Holly the Photog and I went to the Toledo Saturday Market today. I think we spent more, much more, than our assignment will get us.

We both bought a little yard art from Ron Smith of Recycled Ranch Relics. She bought a cow planter and a large flower and then ordered a “wino.” I bought a chicken and an owl.

Normally my birds will stay away from anything new in the garden for at least two days — even new bird feeders!

But not my new yard art! They seemed to know immediately what these were for …

Now I wish I had gotten the crazy bird bath piece with saws as wings.

Ron will be at the Toledo Saturday Market again on June 11th, if you want to do a bit of shopping. Just don’t get MINE before I get there!

This White-crowned Sparrow had a bath in a nearby puddle, then hopped up on this fencepost to preen. He is using the blackberry vine to scratch …

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Spring is most definitely here! My White-crowned Sparrows have arrived. Wheeee!